What is GitLab
GitLab is a complete DevOps platform, delivered as a single application. This makes GitLab unique and creates a streamlined software workflow, unlocking your organization from the constraints of a pieced together toolchain. Learn how GitLab offers unmatched visibility and higher levels of efficiency in a single application across the DevOps lifecycle.
GitLab started as an open source project to help teams collaborate on software development. GitLab’s mission is to provide a place where everyone can contribute. Each team member uses our product internally and directly impacts the company roadmap. This exceptional approach works because we’re a team of passionate people who want to see each other, the company, and the broader GitLab community succeed and we have the platform to make that possible.
From about gitlab.
Target audience
The course material presented here is meant for a technically inclined person with a basic proficiency in the Git source management system and an inclination to learn about combining the power of Git with the versatility of GitLab.
Scope & Terminology
GitLab is tightly wedded, as the name suggests, to the git source code
management system, its concepts, command and terminology. It helps to be
familiar with Git’s interpretations of working directory
, staging
, branch
, tag
, commit
and revision
among others.
For some of the exercises git command are used on the command line to update the content of the GitLab repositories. But for the most time the tutorial evolves GitLab’s web interface.
This document will not cover more advanced topics such as CI/CD scripts and advanced GitOps topics.
Application |
Term |
Description |
Git |
Location of the local copy of the git repository |
Git |
Cached files ready for commit. |
Git |
General term for a git project. |
Git |
An working copy of the repository. |
Git |
A named reference to a revision. |
Git |
Annotated addition to the repository. |
Git |
ditto |
GitLab |
Request to include changes. |
GitLab setup
GitLab setup prerequisites
For the course the following prerequisites have to be met:
Recent version of
All docker commands are invoked without sudo
. It is therefore
assumed that the participants user is part of the docker
Unix group.
Gitlab docker setup
The examples in this tutorial are based on gitlab-ce (community edition). The docker image and instruction on how to install it can be found on the gitlab docker hub page.
Protocol | Local Port | Docker Port |
8443 |
443 |
8480 |
80 |
8422 |
22 |
OMNIBUS+="external_url \"http://${GITLAB_HOSTNAME}:8480/\";"
OMNIBUS+="gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_ssh_port'] = 8422;"
function start() {
[[ -d ${GITLAB_HOME} ]] && mkdir -p ${GITLAB_HOME}
docker run \
--detach \
--hostname ${GITLAB_HOSTNAME} \
--publish 8443:443 \
--publish 8480:8480 \
--publish 8422:22 \
--name gitlab \
--restart always \
--volume ${GITLAB_HOME}/config:/etc/gitlab \
--volume ${GITLAB_HOME}/logs:/var/log/gitlab \
--volume ${GITLAB_HOME}/data:/var/opt/gitlab \
The initial startup of the container is taking quite some time. Patience until the first connection is required. |
For convenience add gitlab.local
to the /etc/hosts
to the /etc/hosts
file.sudo sed -i \
-e '/gitlab.local/d' \
-e '$a\ gitlab.local' \
-e '$a\::1 gitlab.local' \
Gitlab account setup
Configure admin account password
After starting the docker container open a browser and navigate to http://gilab.local:8480.
1 | Provide an admin password. |
2 | Confirm the admin password. |
3 | Finish process by clicking [Change your password] |
Create user account
Once the admin password is in place a normal user account may be created.
Throughout the course the following values are assumed:
Property | Value |
First name |
Joe |
Last name |
Developer |
User name |
jdev |
Password |
topsecret |
Role |
Software Developer |
1 | Click on tab [Register] |
2 | Joe for First name |
3 | Developer for Last name |
4 | jdev for User name |
5 | joe.developer@gitlab.local for Email |
6 | topsecret for Password |
7 | Create accout by clicking [Register] |
1 | Select software developer for Role |
2 | Define role by clicking [Get started!] |
Congratulations the initial setup is complete!
Module 1 - User configuration
Before diving into working with GitLab the first thing to do is
go through the user settings and configure a few things that were
missing from the initial setup such as adding privacy settings
and ssh public keys
Navigate the user setting
Set privacy settings.
Manage ssh public keys.
User profile configuration
For the purpose of the excercises conducted during this tutorial no particular changes in the user profile need to be made but for better recognition the avatar, the privacy setting and the ssh keys are being discussed here.
Navigate to the user' settings
1 | Click on the avatar on the right hand side and select Settings . |
Change the avatar
1 | On the left hand side navigation provides access to the various topics. |
2 | To change the avatar click on [Choose file]. |
For Joe Developer the chosen avatar is a construction worker with hard hat.
Review privacy settings
Under menu item Profile
scroll down to the bottom of the page.
1 | If so desired a user can hide certain information on the profile page
from being viewed by other participants. Click on the question mark ?
to get a list of the information to hide. This may be necessary on a
publicly accessible instance of GitLab. |
2 | This setting is only relevant for publicly accessable repositories. If your organization maintains private repositories should changes made to said repositories be shown anonymized. |
Upload ssh public keys
Repositories on GitLab can be accessed via both the HTTPS protocol and the SSH protocol. To prevent constant password prompts for each remote git operation and for better efficiency one can upload a ssh public key to GitLab.
If ssh keys have already been generated previously skip the next step.
$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/gitlab (1)
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): (2)
Enter same passphrase again: (3)
Your identification has been saved in /home/uroesch/.ssh/gitlab
Your public key has been saved in /home/uroesch/.ssh/gitlab.pub
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:hXWPmuLBU8fnrEYPNBoSDKwXaITn5Jn/Vtvdin6gJI4 uroesch@uroesch-puzzle
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
| o.o.o. . . |
| . = o .+ o o |
| * + .o + * o |
| * .. + B = |
| o S + o o |
| ...+o..+ |
| +.+ +oo.. |
| E + o...o .|
| . .o... |
$ ls -l ~/.ssh/gitlab*
-rw------- 1 jdev jdev 464 Nov 9 12:09 /home/jdev/.ssh/gitlab (4)
-rw-r--r-- 1 jdev jdev 104 Nov 9 12:09 /home/jdev/.ssh/gitlab.pub (5)
1 | The ssh-keygen command generates a new key option -t specifies the
format ed25519 is the easiest to handle. -f specifies the file
location and name where to store the generated key. |
2 | The key can be secured with a passphrase which is highly recommended. |
3 | Confirm passphrase. |
4 | The generated private key. Note the file permission. Keep this file safe from other users. |
5 | The public key is the one to be copied to GitLab. Open the file and copy the content. |
1 | Navigate to menu item SSH Keys . |
2 | Copy the content of the previously created ssh public key into the text area. |
3 | Change the title of the key with a name that is uniquely identifiable. |
4 | Optionally set an expiry date for the key. |
5 | Click [Add key] to save the key. |
6 | Previously uploaded key. Modifications are not possible one can only delete the entry. |
Module 2 - Gitlab project
A GitLab project has at its center a git repository and a few services
that evolve around said repository. Such as an issue tracker, contributions
from other developers via merge requests
and todo lists among others.
The creation of a new project is probably not as often used as the following excercises of working with changes and merge request but it is of utmost importance to understand the configuration and the implications of certain settings.
Create a new GitLab project.
How to navigate a project.
Protect certain branches like
Create a new project
In the following steps a new personal public repository is created. The process of creating a new project is assisted and straight forward.
The creation starts with clicking on the boxed plus sign left to the search field.
1 | Choose New Project to open the creation form. |
1 | Use gitlab-project for Project name |
2 | Is the base URL for accessing the repository, can’t be modified. |
3 | Project slug is pre-filled base on the project name. May be modified but is usually left as is. |
4 | Provide a project description. This gives visitors an overview of what the project is all about in a few sentences. |
5 | Choose Public as the visibility layer. |
6 | Check Initialize repository with a README this creates a
bare bone README.md file in the root of the repository. |
7 | To finish hit the [Create project] button. |
Navigate new project
Right after the project is created the next screen is the project overview. For a first time visitor the screen has quite a few elements and is probably confusing at first sight.
Here the various elements are explained shortly to provide and initial overview where to find which functionality.
1 | Project name and visibility level marked by icon on the right hand side of the project name. |
2 | Notification, star and fork buttons for other developers interested in the project. |
3 | Git repository statistics with regards to number of commits, branches tags and storage used. |
4 | Branch navigation and file, branch and tag creation. |
5 | Miscellaneous functionally such as file modification with Web IDE, archive downloads and clone addresses for the repository. |
6 | Current git revision number in shortened SHA1 format. |
7 | File browser area, list and navigate files and directories in the project. |
8 | HTML rendered content of README.md . |
9 | Navigation of further functionality and access to project settings. |
Clone project
GitLab has quite a few tools allowing for changes to the git repository data via the web interface. But for most purposes the content of the git repository is worked on with an IDE or on the command line externally.
In this exercise the previously created gitlab-project
is cloned from
the command line.
Navigate to the overview page of the project → http://gitlab.local:8480/jdev/gitlab-project
1 | Press the [Clone] button. |
2 | Copy the ssh address. |
Change to terminal window and execute
$ git clone ssh://git@gitlab.local:8422/jdev/gitlab-project.git (1)
Cloning into 'gitlab-project'...
X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0
remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (3/3), done.
$ cd gitlab-project (2)
$ git log (3)
commit 3651309571108055dcafb3dacaf9678e90c91291 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) (4)
Author: Joe Developer <joe.developer@gitlab.local>
Date: Mon Nov 9 12:10:30 2020 +0000
Initial commit
1 | Clone the repository with the copied URL. |
2 | Chang into the freshly created gitlab-project directory. |
3 | Inspect the commit history with git log . |
4 | Verify the commit hash matches with the one displayed in the project overview. |
To simulate different user behaviour in later modules the user information for this cloned repository should be changed to Joe Developer.
$ git config --local user.name "Joe Developer" (1)
$ git config --local user.email "joe.developer@gitlab.local" (2)
$ git config --local --get-regexp 'user' (3)
user.name Joe Developer
user.email joe.developer@gitlab.local
1 | Set the user.name for the repository to 'Joe Developer'. |
2 | Set the user.email for the repository to 'joe.developer@gitlab.local'. |
3 | Confirm the settings. |
Repository protection
Among the many settings available for a GitLab project at this stage the one that really matters is the protection of the master branch.
Per default only the maintainer can push and as such also force
push changes to the master
branch. This can be further restricted
and no one make changes to master without proper evaluation of the
1 | In the project navigate to Settings |
2 | Click on Repository . |
3 | Navigate to Protected Branches and hit the [Expand] button. |
4 | Go to the box for master under allowed to push choose No one . |
By protecting the master branch from direct pushes one can prevent fat-fingered git pushes where master gets accidentally overwritten with content from another branch. As a disclaimer this never happened to the instructor guiding you currently, ever!!! |
Module 3 - Gitlab group
A GitLab group is a way to structure and manage one or more related projects. Groups can also be compared to folders on a file system.
Groups inhert permission to their subgroups and/or projects. Say if someone has access to a group, they also get access to all the projects in the group.
This also includes the issues and merge requests for the projects in the group, and analytics for the group’s activity.
Groups allow to communicate with all of the members at once.
The creation a new group and manage access to it.
Create a new GitLab group.
Manage access to the group.
Basic Gitlab group settings.
Create a new group
In the following steps a new group is created. The process of creating a new group is assisted and straight forward.
The creation starts with clicking on the boxed plus sign left to the search field.
1 | Choose New Group to open the creation form. |
1 | Use acme as Group name |
2 | Specify the Group URL , usually derived from the Group name . |
3 | Add the optional Group description which helps to distinguish
the group’s purpuse. |
4 | Specify the Visibility level of the group. Defaults to Private . |
1 | Group navigation and configuration. |
2 | Notification and new project or subgroup creation. |
3 | Subgroup and projects tab navigation. |
Group members
An integral part of groups is membership management.
The task is very straight forward but has a couple of Gitlab specific settings which need further explanation.
1 | Members Navigation. |
2 | Member invitation tab. |
3 | Enter Gitlab member or email address of invitee. |
4 | Enter role permission, default is Guest . |
5 | For temporary group members add an expiration date of membership. |
6 | List of existing members. |
Group settings
Here quite a few settings for a Gitlab group this section focused showing the bare essentials.
1 | Choose New Group to open the creation form. |
1 | Export a group to be used on a other gitlab instance. |
2 | Change url. May have side-effects! |
3 | Transfer group. May have side-effects! |
4 | Remove group. No restore possible! |
Module 4 - Forking projects
Forking is a way to keep a copy of a repository under the users own project. It is a way of collaboration between different users and isolates the work each user commits until a feature, bugfix or change has been completely tested or verified.
Contribute to various code bases by keeping the work performed on the repository completely isolated to one’s own space.
Create a new user
Fork an existing project.
Clone forked project.
Branch local copy.
Push changes to forked project.
Create new user (fork)
For discussing forking in detail a new user is required. Below are the instructions to do so.
Register user account
Open a new private or incognito browser window and navigate to the GitLab entry page → http://gitlab.local:8480/
Click on the [Register] tab and create a user with the following data:
Property |
Value |
First name |
Mary |
Last name |
DevOps |
User name |
mdevops |
Password |
topsecret |
Role |
DevOps Engineer |
A ssh public key is not required the change are made over the http protocol. |
When finished change the avatar to match the description.
Create forked project
User Mary DevOps is going to fork the project gitlab-project
user Joe Developer. The steps are listed here.
Fork gitlab-project
As user Mary Devops navigate to URL → http://gitlab.local:8480/jdev/gitlab-project
1 | In the upper right corner click the fork button
to initiate the fork. |
1 | Select Mary DevOps' workspace for the fork. |
Change content of forked project
With the project forked under Mary DevOps' namespace it is time to make changes to the content.
Clone forked project
Navigate to URL → http://gitlab.local:8480/mdevops/gitlab-project/
Click on the [Clone] button to display and use the Copy with HTTP
→ http://gitlab.local:8480/mdevops/gitlab-project.git
Open terminal window to clone the project.
$ git clone http://gitlab.local:8480/mdevops/gitlab-project.git forked-project (1)
Cloning into 'forked-project'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), 258 bytes | 258.00 KiB/s, done.
1 | Clone project to directory forked-project to not mix up the already
cloned copy from user Joe Developer. |
To distinguish changes to the forked and original repository in case of a merge
request. The freshly created forked-project
user settings are locally modified.
$ cd forked-project/
$ git config --local user.name "Mary DevOps"
$ git config --local user.email "mary.devops@gitlab.local"
$ git config --local --get-regex user
user.name Mary DevOps
user.email mary.devops@gitlab.local
Create branch
To work effectively encapsulate changes in git branches are recommended.
When isolating each change in a branch it is possible to work on multiple
different changes without independently. To follow this practice the first
action in the forked-project
repository is to create branch documentation
and change to it.
$ git checkout -b documentation (1)
Switched to a new branch 'documentation'
1 | Create and switch to branch documentation . |
Modify existing files
Under the documentation branch Mary modifies the README.md
adding information about contributors.
$ git diff README.md (1)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 26a1ddf..3e727fd 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# gitlab-project
-This is a gitlab project for the introduction course.
\ No newline at end of file
+This is a gitlab project for the introduction course.
+## Contributors
+* Joe Developer
+* Mary DevOps
$ git commit -m "README: Add contributors" README.md (2)
[documentation 67b94b1] README: Add contributors
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
$ git log (3)
commit 67b94b1886449c14db44524b1b67c71fe2250662 (HEAD -> documentation)
Author: Mary DevOps <mary.devops@gitlab.local>
Date: Mon Nov 9 17:47:45 2020 +0100
README: Add contributors
commit 3651309571108055dcafb3dacaf9678e90c91291 (origin/master, origin/HEAD, master)
Author: Joe Developer <joe.developer@gitlab.local>
Date: Mon Nov 9 12:10:30 2020 +0000
Initial commit
1 | Display changes made to file README.md prior to commiting. |
2 | Commit the changes with message. |
3 | Inspect the revision history with command log . |
Push changes to project
With the changes made it is time to push them back onto the forked project.
$ git push origin documentation (1)
Username for 'http://gitlab.local:8480': mdevops (2)
Password for 'http://mdevops@gitlab.local:8480': ******* (3)
Enumerating objects: 5, done.
Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 361 bytes | 361.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: To create a merge request for documentation, visit:
remote: http://gitlab.local:8480/mdevops/gitlab-project/-/merge_requests/new?merge_request%5Bsource_branch%5D=documentation
To http://gitlab.local:8480/mdevops/gitlab-project.git
* [new branch] documentation -> documentation (4)
1 | Explicitly provide the branch name documentation to push |
2 | For the HTTP protocol the username is requested. |
3 | The password must also be provided. |
4 | The branch documentation is being created on the gitlab copy. |
The username and password for HTTP operations can be cached with
below command. The timeout value is seconds.
Navigating once more to the project page of the fork → http://gitlab.local:8480/mdevops/gitlab-project/ to view the changes in the interface.
1 | Notification about the recently pushed branch documentation . |
2 | Convenience button to [Create merge request] right away. |
3 | The Switch branch/tag menu now contains branch documentation . |
Switching the project’s view to branch documentation
in the overview.1 | Branch is set to documentation . |
2 | The commit hash has changed and points to the latest commit
in branch documentation . Also note the avatar of the committer
has changed to Mary’s. |
3 | The content of the README.md is rendered with the commited
changes. |
The next step is to propose the changes to Joe Developer with a merge request. The procedure is topic for the next module.
Summary of git commands used.
Item | Description | Resource |
Create and switch to newly created branch. |
Clone a remote repository or gitlab project. |
Apply configuration values to local repository. |
Display changes of uncommited modifications. |
Display revision history. |
Fetch and then merge changes into the current working branch. |
Send local changes to the shared repository. |
Module 5 - Merge requests
GitLab’s statement about merge requests:
Merge requests are a place to propose changes you’ve made to a project and discuss those changes with others
Interested parties can even contribute by pushing commits if they want to.
Learn how to collaborate, review and evaluate changes to a repository
before adding the changed to the master
After a merge request has been put forward for review the process is
shown of how evaluate the change comment on particulars in the change
and request amendments and finally merge the code.
Create a merge request from a forked project.
Submit a merge request.
Review changes in a merge request.
Amend a merge request.
Merge the request.
Create merge request
Initiate merge request
There is a few ways to initiate a merge request under GitLab. The variations and locations here are listed below.
For a limited time after pushing changes to a repository a message with a button is display in the upper half of the overview page.
1 | Click the [Create merge request] button to initiate. |
Alternatively open a merge request via left hand side menu
→ Commits
1 | Select the merge request branch e.g. documentation . |
2 | Initiate via [Create merge request] button. |
A third way is to go via the left hand menu Repository
→ Branches
1 | Click on [Merge request] on the branch to be merged. |
Submit merge request
To submit the merge request there are a few questions to be answered generally the defaults are fine most of the time.
1 | Change the source or / and destination branch for the merge request. |
2 | Change the title of the merge request. By default the title is the first line of the commit message. |
3 | Add a description. Per default it is filled from the commit message starting at line 2 and greater. |
4 | Deletes the source branch after the merge is done. This is checked by default and prevents out of date branches lingering around too long. |
5 | When a merge request contains more than one commit the commits are squashed into a single commit before applying to the target branch. |
6 | Allows the owner of the target branch to adjust the content of the to the merge request before merging. |
7 | List of commits contained in the merge request. |
8 | List of changes in diff format. |
9 | Submit the merge request to the target branch owner. |
Review merge requests
View merge request
Once the merge request is submitted the other members of the project can view, comment and give suggestions for minor code changes.
1 | With [Edit] the title and message can be amended. |
2 | [Mark as draft] signals the maintainer that the request is not yet ready for production and requires more work before merger. |
3 | Used to [Approve] the change. Under the GitLab community edition this is gratuitous. The enterprise edition can enforce approval from stakeholders. |
4 | Add comments to the request. |
5 | [Close merge request] is another term for canceling the request. Note the request stays in history and can be reopened if required. |
Add comment
Other users in the group are encouraged to review the changes and add comments.
Commenting under the [Changes] tab a reviewer can mark the lines of code the comment is referring to.
1 | Switched to tab [Changes]. |
2 | Marking lines +5 ~ +7 as relevant to the
comment. |
3 | Writing message about the previously marked lines. |
4 | If this change should be started as a review the [Start a review] button is clicked. |
5 | In this particular case it is a comment so [Add comment now] is clicked. |
Once the comment is submitted the others can chime in. Since it is only a comment Mary DevOps is resolving the thread.
1 | Resolving the thread via the circled check mark. |
2 | Alternatively via the button [Resolve thread]. |
Amend request
Maintainers have the option to make small amendments to the merge request. This can be done entirely within the merge request page.
1 | Select target line. |
2 | Click on the insert suggestion icon. |
3 | Modify the selected code. |
4 | [Start a review] to submit the suggestion. |
Amendments are only available if the option for
Allow commits from member who can manage the target branch
has been checked during merge requestion submission.
1 | To submit the suggestion for good click [Submit review] |
Once the suggestion has been submitted other maintainers can further review the new amendment and comment.
1 | Clicking on [Apply suggestion] will create a new commit to the merge request. |
2 | The diff of the suggestion is shown to make suggestion review easy. |
3 | Further comments can be appended to the suggestion. |
1 | After application of the suggestion the [Applied] indicator is added. |
Merge the request
Once the stakeholders are satisfied with the changes, suggestions and amendments the request can be merged by a maintainer.
1 | Take note with the suggestion applied there are 2 commits. At the outset of the request there was only one. |
2 | Approval of a merge request is not a requirement but can be a helpful tool to determine who has reviewed the change. |
3 | With the applied suggestion the Squash commits checkbox
can be activated to only have one commit at merge time. |
Post merge review
Eventually the merge request was merged in this particular case with
the Squash commits
option checked.
It is now time to find out how the project repository changed.
Web UI post merge review
In the Web UI the changes are very subtle and the complexity of the process is masked.
1 | Although the option Squash commits was checked there are now
3 commits present in the repository. It becomes more clear in
as the topic evolves. |
2 | The commit SHA1 is different to the one from Mary DevOps when submitting the merge request. |
3 | The changes including the suggestion from Joe Developer have are
displayed in the rendered README.md . |
1 | A new commit with a commit message never entered during the process
is now the HEAD of the repository. |
2 | The commit hash changed compared to the submitted one. What happened? |
git command post merge review
It is sometime easier to review the changes that look confusing in the Web UI on the command line.
$ git pull origin master (1)
X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0
remote: Enumerating objects: 6, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (6/6), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), 513 bytes | 513.00 KiB/s, done.
From ssh://gitlab.local:8422/jdev/gitlab-project
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
3651309..5717883 master -> origin/master
Updating 3651309..5717883
README.md | 6 +++++- (2)
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
$ git log (3)
commit 57178833a3b5b0881becc92de93a45357e2c54ec (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Merge: 3651309 4e59b87 (4)
Author: Joe Developer <joe.developer@gitlab.local>
Date: Mon Nov 9 21:39:52 2020 +0000
Merge branch 'documentation' into 'master'
README: Add contributors
See merge request jdev/gitlab-project!2
commit 4e59b87c9a4cd0d41837374e5ab257ecc67d5251
Author: Mary DevOps <mary.devops@gitlab.local>
Date: Mon Nov 9 21:39:52 2020 +0000
README: Add contributors
commit 3651309571108055dcafb3dacaf9678e90c91291
Author: Joe Developer <joe.developer@gitlab.local>
Date: Mon Nov 9 12:10:30 2020 +0000
Initial commit
1 | Pull the changes from the GitLab project to the previously created repository. |
2 | The file README.md is updated during this procedure. |
3 | The git log command displays a bit more information about
commit 5717883 . This is a merge commit with multiple parents. |
4 | The merge line display all the parents this particular commit has.
Merge commits can be prevented in under Settings → General →
Merge requests → (*) Fast-forward merge. |
Unresolved directive in gitlab-tutorial.adoc - include::modules/06-module06/00-merge-requests.adoc[]
Module 6 - CI/CD
CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery and is an integral part of GitLab. The module does teach the installation, setup and registration of a GitLab runner and the creation of a simple pipeline with multiple stages.
project in the already existing GitLab project.
Most of the action is taking place on the command line with a few peeks at the result in the GitLab frontend.
The different types of runners.
Installation and registration of a GitLab runner.
CI/CD setup in GitLab.
Creation of a simple pipeline.
Creation of a multi stage pipeline.
Gitlab runner types
There are 3 types of runners.
- Shared
Available to all groups and projects.
- Group
Available to the whole group.
- Specific
Assigned to one or more project.
Gitlab runner setup
Create a test project
The gitlab runner is written in Go which produces all in one binaries. There are are packages and or binaries for all major operating systems available. The install instructions can be at this URL https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/install/
For the purpose of this module the GitLab runner is not installed but only run on the command line.
To start create a new repository called gitlab-runner-test
either in the
GitLab frontend or as shown in the command line instructions below.
git init gitlab-runner-test
cd gitlab-runner-test
git remote add origin git@<gitlab-domain>:<user>/gitlab-runner-test.git (1)
touch .gitlab-ci.yml (2)
git add .gitlab-ci.yml (3)
git commit -m "Empty pipeline" (4)
git push origin main (5)
1 | Use the domain of your GitLab server followed by either your username or a group name. |
2 | Create and empty .gitlab-ci.yml file. |
3 | Add to local git repository. |
4 | Commit the empty file. |
5 | Push to GitLab. This will create a new project on the path specified with
the git remote command. |
Register a specific runner
1 | Navigate to Settings → CI/CD. |
2 | Expand the Runners tab. |
3 | Take note of the sites URL. |
4 | Copy the registration token. |
gitlab-runner register
Runtime platform arch=amd64 os=linux
Enter the GitLab instance URL (for example, https://gitlab.com/):
https://<gitlab-domain>/ (1)
Enter the registration token:
GR1348941zGxUXwUpzYSBT8syeg4R (2)
Enter a description for the runner:
[foobar-runner]: foobar (3)
Enter tags for the runner (comma-separated):
shell, linux (4)
Enter optional maintenance note for the runner:
Registering runner... succeeded runner=GR1348941zGxUXwUp
Enter an executor: custom, docker, shell, virtualbox, docker-ssh+machine,
kubernetes, docker-ssh, parallels, ssh, docker+machine, instance:
shell (5)
Runner registered successfully. Feel free to start it, but if it's running
already the config should be automatically reloaded!
Configuration (with the authentication token) was saved in
1 | Provide the url for your GitLab setup. |
2 | Provide the token from the registration page. |
3 | Provide a unique name for the runner. |
4 | Add tags to the runner. |
5 | Choose the execution type for the runner. E.g. shell . |
Start the runner
The runner is now configured for a single user. To start it simply type
gitlab-runner run
and let it run in the foreground of the terminal.
$ gitlab-runner run
Runtime platform arch=amd64 os=linux
pid=297281 revision=133d7e76 version=15.6.1
Starting multi-runner from /home/uroesch/.gitlab-runner/config.toml... builds=0
WARNING: Running in user-mode.
WARNING: Use sudo for system-mode:
WARNING: $ sudo gitlab-runner...
Configuration loaded builds=0
listen_address not defined, metrics & debug endpoints disabled builds=0
[session_server].listen_address not defined, session endpoints disabled
Initializing executor providers builds=0
Checking for jobs...nothing runner=nCtzPEyx
Simple pipeline
A simple pipeline is the most basic CI/CD Scripts possible. The pipeline created in this exercise is the simplest possible with a specific runner.
Edit the .gitlab-ci.yml
file with the content shown below.
first-pipeline: (1)
- shell (2)
- echo "First pipeline" (3)
1 | Name of the task. |
2 | The tag where to execute the instructions on. |
3 | Command to execute. |
Track status
Commit and push to the GitLab server.
git commit -m "First pipeline" .gitlab-ci.yml
git push origin main
Navigate to the project CI/CD page.
1 | Navigate to CI/CD → Pipelines in your project. |
2 | See the pipeline status of the commit. |
Staged pipeline
Building on the simple pipeline the scope is expanded to simulate several stages such as build, test and deploy.
Stages in .gitlab-ci.yml
Edit the existing .gitlab-ci.yml
file to look like the one below.
stage: build (1)
tags: [ shell ]
script: [ 'echo "Build project"' ]
stage: test (2)
tags: [ shell ]
script: [ 'echo "Test project"' ]
stage: deploy (3)
tags: [ shell ]
script: [ 'echo "Deploy project"' ]
stages: [ build, test, deploy ]
1 | Add the stage build . |
2 | Second block is the test stage. |
3 | The last block is deploying the code. |
Track status
Commit and push to the GitLab server.
git commit -m "Staged pipeline" .gitlab-ci.yml
git push origin main
Navigate to the project CI/CD page.
1 | Each stage is represented by a circle with the status. |
Clicking on the [passed] button shows the detailed view of the staged pipeline.
Navigating to the [Jobs] tab list each job for further inspection.
Module 7 - Submodules
Submodules is a way to keep your repositories DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself). Instead of coping code from another repository fully to our current workspace. The option of linking a repository is both lightweight and scalable. The reason to use submodules is manifold. It can be to include common code within the repository or to create a repository collecting independent projects. A good use case is Puppet where each module is compartmentalized in its own git repository. The same can be said for other configuration management software like Ansible.
Learn how to include and update a git submodule from another GitLab project in the already existing GitLab project.
Most of the action is taking place on the command line with a few peeks at the result in the GitLab frontend.
Add a submodule to an existing repository.
Inspect the
file. -
Push changes to the repositories.
Clone a repository with submodules.
Add a submodule to repository
Create a new project submodule
under the GitLab frontend.
It will be used as the submodule repository for the following
1 | Name the repository submodule . |
2 | Make the project publicly accessible. |
3 | Create an empty README.md file. |
git submodule add
With the submodule
command there are subcommands that define the
action to be executed. For adding an existing repository as submodule
unsurprisingly add
is used to do so.
On the command line change into repository gitlab-project
and issue.
$ cd gitlab-project (1)
$ git submodule add ../../jdev/submodule (2)
Cloning into '/home/jdev/var/tmp/gitlab-project/submodule'...
X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0
remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
1 | Change into the gitlab-project repository |
2 | Issue to the submodule add command with a relative path to the
freshly created submodule project. Git will automatically
fetch the source from the GitLab server. Alternatively the
full URL can be used. But when running CI/CD jobs with submodules
this is the recommended way. |
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Changes to be committed:
(use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
new file: .gitmodules (1)
new file: submodule (2)
1 | A new file called .gitmodules was created. |
2 | The added submodule is also ready to be committed. |
file$ cat .gitmodules
[submodule "submodule"] (1)
path = submodule (2)
url = ../../jdev/submodule (3)
1 | The file is in INI format the same as the config file under the .git
directory. Here with the section submodule "submodule" |
2 | The path is local path within the repository to the submodule. |
3 | The url is verbatim what was provided on the command line. |
$ cd submodule/
$ ls
README.md (1)
$ git log (2)
commit cebacd281a26b1f0503522eb4344dce1226b9383 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Joe Developer <joe.developer@gitlab.local>
Date: Mon Dec 7 22:52:04 2020 +0000
Initial commit
1 | The README.md created in the GitLab frontend is present. |
2 | Once inside a submodule git commands only show the history and commits of the submodule! |
Push with submodules
git push
The command for pushing changes in the parent repository is the same as with a simple repository without any submodule attached
The changes made by the submodule add
command must be commited
first then pushed.
$ git commit --all --message "Add submodule"
[master eb326f0] Add submodule
2 files changed, 4 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 .gitmodules
create mode 160000 submodule
$ git push origin master:add-submodule (1)
X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0
Enumerating objects: 4, done.
Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 363 bytes | 363.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: To create a merge request for add-submodule, visit: (2)
remote: http://gitlab.local:8480/jdev/gitlab-project/-/merge_requests/new?merge_request%5Bsource_branch%5D=add-submodule
To ssh://gitlab.local:8422/jdev/gitlab-project.git
* [new branch] master -> add-submodule (3)
1 | As the commit was done in master put direct pushes to master
are restricted. The push is creating a new branch called
add-submodule in the remote repository. |
2 | To merge the commit navigate to the URL shown and create a merge request. |
3 | Git lets us know it created a new branch called add-submodule . |
Modify file content
$ echo '## Now with submodule' >> README.md (1)
$ echo "## I'm the submodule" >> submodule/README.md (2)
$ git status --short
m submodule (3)
1 | Add a new headline to the parent’s README.md. |
2 | Add a new headline to the submodule’s README.md. |
3 | Status only reports a change to the submodule was made but does not provide any details what exactly changed. |
$ cd submodule/ (1)
$ git commit -a -m "Add new content"
[master bec63ae] Add new content
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
$ git push origin master:submodule (2)
Entering 'submodule'
X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0
Enumerating objects: 5, done.
Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 268 bytes | 268.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: To create a merge request for submodule, visit:
remote: http://gitlab.local:8480/jdev/submodule/-/merge_requests/new?merge_request%5Bsource_branch%5D=submodule
To ssh://gitlab.local:8422/jdev/submodule
* [new branch] master -> submodule
1 | Change into submodule and commit the change. |
2 | Push to repo submodule with branch submodule . |
after merge1 | New revision after merge. |
2 | Content has been updated. |
$ cd .. (1)
$ git commit -a -m "Add submodule header"
[master 1a44056] Add submodule header
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
$ git push origin master:submodule (2)
X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0
Enumerating objects: 3, done.
Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (2/2), 254 bytes | 254.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 2 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: To create a merge request for submodule, visit:
remote: http://gitlab.local:8480/jdev/gitlab-project/-/merge_requests/new?merge_request%5Bsource_branch%5D=submodule
To ssh://gitlab.local:8422/jdev/gitlab-project.git
* [new branch] master -> submodule
1 | Change back into superproject and commit the change. |
2 | Push to repo gitlab-project with branch submodule . |
after merge1 | New revision of submodule after merge. |
Cloning with submodules
git clone
There is the --recursive
flag for clone which recursively
fetches the superproject as well as all submodules.
$ git clone --recursive \
http://gitlab.local:8480/jdev/gitlab-project.git \
gitlab-project-with-submodules (1)
Cloning into 'gitlab-project-with-submodules'... (2)
remote: Enumerating objects: 23, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (23/23), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (14/14), done.
remote: Total 23 (delta 10), reused 17 (delta 7), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (23/23), 2.46 KiB | 1.23 MiB/s, done.
Submodule 'submodule' (http://gitlab.local:8480/jdev/submodule) registered for path 'submodule'
Cloning into '/home/uroesch/var/tmp/gitlab-project-with-submodules/submodule'... (3)
warning: redirecting to http://gitlab.local:8480/jdev/submodule.git/
remote: Enumerating objects: 7, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (7/7), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 7 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Submodule path 'submodule': checked out 'bec63ae43dd9ad434af8dcb087900424616de102'
1 | Clone into dedicated new directory gitlab-project-with-submodules |
2 | Cloning the superproject repository gitlab-project first. |
3 | Cloning the submodule submode second. |
When not aware that the repository to be cloned contains submodules
it can happen that the --recursive
option is not present during
In such a case the submodules need to be updated from within the superproject.
$ git clone http://gitlab.local:8480/jdev/gitlab-project.git \
gitlab-project-non-recursive (1)
Cloning into 'gitlab-project-non-recursive'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 23, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (23/23), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (14/14), done.
remote: Total 23 (delta 10), reused 17 (delta 7), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (23/23), 2.46 KiB | 841.00 KiB/s, done.
$ cd gitlab-project-non-recursive (2)
$ git submodule update --recursive --init (3)
Cloning into '/home/uroesch/var/tmp/gitlab-project-non-recursive/submodule'...
warning: redirecting to http://gitlab.local:8480/jdev/submodule.git/
Submodule path 'submodule': checked out 'bec63ae43dd9ad434af8dcb087900424616de102'
1 | Clone into dedicated new directory gitlab-project-non-recursive |
2 | Change into directory gitlab-project-non-recursive |
3 | Cloning the submodules with command update and options
--recursive and --init . |